What is Telemetry

Remote Measure

Third Party Monitoring

Not a new concept


But Doing it new way

Docker, KVM, AWS, Azure



Service Visibility is the key in cloud

  • Visibility is often accomplished via post facto application of agent-based monitoring tools
  • Agent-based monitoring tool don’t understand business value (not dynamic)
  • Determining an application’s health often requires complex logic
  • Traceability of an application is difficult( or impossible) to accomplish with OTS solutions



< 구조 >


텔레메트리 분류

ingest(데이터 받기) > Store(저장) > Analysis(분석) > Present(보여줌)



1. ingest 

: Prometheus for Metric


: fluentd for logging (또는 Apache Flume)




2. Store

  :  TSDB for Metric


  • simple
  • has its own SQL (PROMQL) : easy for use
  • no clustering or high availability




OpenTSDB • powerful

  • clustering and high availability
  • complicated ( based on hbase, Hadoop)


: key/value for logging

Elastic Search (많이 씀)

  • simple, support scale-out
  • support GUI (kibana)
  • fast, realtime support
  • DSL based search


3. Analysis : it’s not quite simple



Message queue: kafka

- 관리 부분을 발신/수신자에게 부담해버림

- 카프카 내부에선 큐만 관리 -> 빠를 수 밖에 없음






<여러 회사들의 예시>

Metric integration: kakao’s kemi stats


logging integration case: kemi log



Kakao’s case

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